Should You Try Nail Art?


Some of us have been getting our nails done for years but when it comes to nail art, we still haven’t dared stepping outside our comfort zone. We love all of these inspiring nail designs we see on Instagram but when comes our appointment, we pick one solid colour and think to ourselves “Maybe next time I’ll do something fun”.

The best way to get out of this endless cycle is simply to start small. Take baby steps out of your comfort zone and before you know it, you will have embraced nail art designs as a way to express yourself and let your personality shine!

Too Shy For Nail Art?

Through my career as a technician, I have encountered countless individuals expressing how much they love a specific nail design before settling for a single colour. This phenomenon stems from the fear of other people’s opinion which makes us self-conscious, trapping into our comfort zone. Social pressure is a real thing and within the wrong social circle, we often find ourselves repressing who we truly are. Or who we wish to become.


“Maybe Next Time I’ll Do Something Fun”

The danger with this quote in a scenario where we do have a nail design in mind that we truly love, is that we are repressing the expression of our true self for one of many wrong reasons. We then proceed to get our manicure done and come out with a beautiful new set of nails. Nails that we know our friends will love but also, nails we wish had a little more to it.

Getting our nails done have some proven physical and most importantly, mental health benefits. These benefits are achieved when we get something we genuinely love. If we play it safe and settle for something “normal” in order to gain other people’s approval, these mental health benefits are greatly diminished. However, if you personally enjoy plain colours, nude tones or like to keep it low-key, you will reap the full benefits. The important thing, the only thing that matters, is to adore your nails.


Start Small

If you were not worried about other people’s opinion, had no office guidelines to conform to. If you had no one to impress but yourself. Would you dare stepping outside your comfort zone? Freeing ourselves from these self-imposed boundaries allows us to blossom into our most beautiful self.

Your nails are the perfect medium to initialize this breakthrough. Start small with a timeless nail design like french tips, or an accent nail where only one fingernail from each hand gets nail art. Over time, you will start connecting with your artistic side and become comfortable using your nails as a creative way to let your personality shine!



Sometimes our timidity or the fear of other people’s opinion can affect us in ways we’re not always aware of, like influencing our decision when time comes to get our nails done. If you’ve ever said “Maybe next time I’ll do something fun”, let the last time you’ve said it, be the last one ever.

Embrace who you are, or who you wish to become, and leave your social circle no other choice but to notice your glow up. If this article left you craving for some nail art inspiration, head over to our Instagram page @Sway_Nails and save the designs you could see yourself wearing on your own hands!